Sunday, 10 April 2011

About this blog - 3

This blog has now had over 6,000 hits and I have received well over 100 comments, emails, etc.  Of these, two were anonymous comments along the lines of ‘good riddance’, another two anonymous comments were simply personal insults (though, given the style, these two could well be from the same person) and one named individual wrote twice.  First he questioned whether the blog was genuine, then he asked if I would promote a discussion on whether I was any good at my job or not (he felt I wasn’t!).  I reminded him that the purpose of this blog was to inform people of what actually happened to me, the issues as I see them in EG-IT and an attempt to avoid anyone else meeting the same fate that I did.  It was never intended to initiate a popularity, or otherwise, contest.  Although this individual initially said I could name him, he hasn’t confirmed this, so I won’t.

But all the other messages have been totally supportive and many have come from people who trust my assurances of anonymity and have been open about their identities.  I believe I have now responded to all messages that I am able to.  But it has been quite a challenge so, if I have missed you, please accept my apologies and give me a prompt.  I have had numerous requests regarding topics to be covered and most of these were already planned, so will be met in due course.  There seems to be a lot of interest in HR’s role in the proceedings, so perhaps I will publish that one earlier than originally planned.

There were some requests that I either will not, or cannot, meet.  Some people have asked for details of specific events that happened over the past few years but I would not be able to do this without breaching individuals’ confidentiality and I certainly will not do that.  Also, this blog is not intended to take on a ‘reveal all’ role (though someone did humorously suggest that I should rename it ‘TomiLeaks’!).  I have also received many questions about things that are currently going wrong in EG-IT and asking for more details, but I am afraid I can’t help - I don’t work there anymore!

Another regular question is the one ‘how did he get away with it, how does he continue to get away with it, how much longer can this go on for?’.  That is another one I cannot answer.  If I knew, I would probably still be working with you all!  I have to say that this is something I have never previously experienced.  Never have I seen such a disconnection between senior management and reality, never have I seen anyone fired without even a discussion, never have I seen anyone’s assessment go from box 6 to box 1 in any space of time (even years) let alone nine weeks, never have I seen company procedures so openly and brazenly ignored, never have I seen security guards summoned for someone who has been dismissed (regardless of the reason) and never have I seen such poor staff survey results as those from last year’s EG-IT survey.  It is indeed a unique situation.

I have not received a single challenge to anything that I have stated in any of my blogs thus far.  No-one has asked me to correct or modify anything.  As I said earlier, this blog is ‘open and honest’ and if someone feels that I have misrepresented anything I will either correct it, or openly record our difference of opinion.

Neither have I received any examples to support the reasons for my dismissal given in my termination letter.  That does not surprise me (as I know that there aren’t any) but I had hoped that, by now, someone would have had the moral fibre to withdraw that letter.  It is as wrong now as it was when Malini Johnson signed it over six months ago.  Malini failed to observe one of the golden rules of corporate life - ‘if something dodgy is going on, make sure you are not the most junior person in the room’.  There is no way that Patrick Naef would ever put his name to such a defamatory letter and I expect Malini found herself holding the pen with everyone heading swiftly for the exit, with reassuring words along the lines of ‘don’t worry, he’ll take the resignation option - they always do’ fading in the distance.

I have been asked to provide updates more regularly but I am afraid that is quite difficult.  We have been away a lot and have also been busy making amends with family and friends who we have neglected over the past few years.  And finding a new place to live has taken up a lot of our energies.  Anyway, there is no rush as time never alters the truth.  But, as those who promote them eventually realise, lies are far less durable.  I think the saying is ‘truth is the daughter of time’.

As for my challenge to anyone, anywhere to give an example of me ever ‘refusing to obey instructions’, I had just one response.  From my Wife.